Educational Integration

Education is an integral part of QAM's vision. Schools and universities will be regularly invited to actively participate in student projects or activities that enhance student education and the development of the museum. This includes aerospace-related institutions such as the École des métiers de l’aérospatiale de Montréal (ÉMAM), the École nationale d’aérotechnique (ÉNA) and the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), as well as other educational institutions offering related training, such as the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQÀM) and Collège Montmorency which have well- regarded museology programs.

QAM student activity on Wednesday lunchtime at ÉNA.

Three projects have been carried out to date with groups of mechanical engineering students at ÉTS.

The first of these involved designing a jig to support QAM’s Avro CF-100 to facilitate structural repairs and reinstallation of the landing gear on this rare jet fighter.

Illustrations of the jigs designed by mechanical engineering students to support the Avro CF-100 Canuck to be restored by QAM volunteers (ÉTS).

In the second, the objective was to design trolleys and their accessories to store and move wings, tail, as well as wingtip tanks of the same CF-100.

Illustration of the trolley designed for the heavy wings of the Avro CF-100 Canuck (ÉTS).

And the third consisted of imagining a trailer allowing easy and safe storage and movement of the CF-100 fuselage.

View of the trailer intended to support the fuselage of the Avro CF-100 Canuck (ÉTS).

Since 2022, extracurricular activities involving students from the ÉNA Avionics Program have taken place every Wednesday during class sessions. During these activities, students work on several projects to restore QAM ground support equipment to operational condition as well as aircraft avionics and instruments. This allows them to gain experience complementary to their teaching as well as to develop their manual skills in a real situation.

The two ground power units being restored by ÉNA student volunteers.

On the UQÀM side, four students from the Master's in Museology program wrote a report during the fall of 2023 analyzing the state of the QAM museum project while setting out several relevant advice for its development according to the standards of the Société des musées du Québec (SMQ).

These initiatives perfectly illustrate the vision of integrating the educational community into QAM projects.

Presentation "The QAM - The takeoff of a museum project" completed by a group of four students of the UQÀM (UQÀM).



Last update: 14-07-2024.

© Pierre GILLARD, Pierre MÉNARD, Larry MILBERRY & Kenneth I. SWARTZ