

Our aircraft:








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AJW Technique Supports a STEM Project

September 12th, 2024

AJW Technique, which is established in Ville Saint-Laurent, provides its customers with a maintenance and re-certification service for avionics, mechanical and electromechanical systems. It is committed to sponsoring a STEM project at the Québec Aerospace Museum taking place as part of student activities at the École nationale d’aérotechnique. This is, in fact, the project to restore the operational condition of the Royal Canadian Air Force AFSG-1 electrical ground power unit dating from 1952. These activities organized by the QAM allow students to both go seek additional knowledge to complement their training and acquire new skills while developing their manual dexterity. The QAM managers would therefore like to warmly thank AJW Technique for its support of the AFSG-1 project.

Link: AJW Technique.

More information about GPU projects.

Testimonial from an ÉNA student about STEM projects:.



Presentation of a member of the Board of Directors: Haitham Naciri

September 6th, 2024

With eight years of experience in the aeronautics field, Haitham Naciri is an R&D project manager and specialist in government programs and tax incentives. His professional background has allowed him to develop in-depth expertise in cost and budget management, particularly in the aeronautics and manufacturing sectors.

Graduated with a DESS in Supply Chain Management from McGill University and a Bachelor of Commerce and International and Finance from Al Akhawayn University, Haitham Naciri acquired a solid foundation in business management and logistics, allowing him to effectively manage complex projects and ensure optimal coordination between the different stakeholders.

A strong advocate for environmental protection, Haitham Naciri has a particular interest in new technologies and innovations in environmental sustainability. His commitment to ecology is reflected in the projects and initiatives he supports.



Work Has Resumed on the Mortensen Glider

August 9th, 2024

On July 12 and 13, activities resumed on the MAQ's Mortensen 1 PM C-GUOW glider which is stored in our maritime container located at the École nationale d'aérotechnique. The main task during these two days was to replace the pilot's seat in the cockpit, which had been cleaned during the previous stages. This was carried out by two volunteers, Claudiu and Stéphane, the latter being the Project Coordinator. For the continuation of this project to restore the glider intended for static display, a complete work plan as well as a budget are to be planned for the next year with a view to obtaining adequate financing also involving the search for a sponsor. In the meantime, some simple tasks can always be considered such as interior painting of the cockpit, installation of seat belts, temporary repair of the damaged canopy as well as its installation.

More information about the Mortensen project.




2024-2025 Corporate Brochure Released

July 14th, 2024

Our Corporate Brochure has just been updated. You can obtain the 2024-2025 edition in PDF format by clicking on one of the links below. The original text, dating from 2021, is the result of consultation with a collective of members. It was then updated over time while respecting the original style. The layout and most of the photographic contribution are by Pierre Gillard. As for Cyril Chambon, Louise Gince and Larry Milberry (Canav Books), they proofread the French and English versions. Thank you, therefore, to all our volunteer members who participated in the creation of this beautiful brochure which presents all aspects of the QAM, its projects and its intentions. Good reading !

The Corporate Brochure of the QAM exists in two quality levels:

Integral version (41,6 Mb).

Light version (6,3,8 Mb).



An Exhibition for the Centennial of the Royal Canadian Air Force

June 19th, 2024

Since April 2024, the QAM presents an exhibition dedicated to the Centennial of the Royal Canadian Air Force in a showcase located in a passing corridor of the École nationale d'aérotechnique. This initiative was taken by our member Frédéric Morin, also a professor in the ÉNA Avionics Department. He, whom we thank, declares: "With this modest exhibition, let us salute this significant anniversary for the aeronautical community and pay tribute to the personnel who enabled and continue the mission of the RCAF". The exhibition is expected to continue for a few more months.


Lien : Royal Canadian Air Force.



The AFSG-1 Ground Power Unit is Functional!

May 8th, 2024

Today was the last meeting of the session of the "Avionics" student group from the École natione d'aérotechnique. And it ended in style with the completion of a conclusive test of the AFSG-1 GPU. It followed a series of repairs that took place throughout the last two sessions. Needless to say, the students were very proud to have reached the end of their sentence! This project, aimed at restoring this GPU dating from 1952 to working order, represents a unique opportunity for ÉNA students to increase their experience as well as their manual dexterity. It is also a good tool intended to promote academic perseverance. Next session, it is planned to continue work on AFSG-1 and to complete the compliance of various elements that had been modified over time. At the same time, activities should continue on the MMG-1A, another GPU project proposed by the QAM to ÉNA students.


More information about GPU projects.

Link: ÉNA.



New Workplace Health and Safety Manager Takes Office

May 1st, 2024

The Board of Directors of the Québec Aerospace Museum is pleased to announce today the entry into office of Mr. Stéphane Drolet as Workplace Health and Safety Manager. After graduating from the École nationale d'aérotechnique in 1994, Drolet spent most of his 28-year career as a Preflight Quality Agent, inspector (18 years) and as a mechanic (10 years), at Bombardier Aéronautique in Dorval before officially retire on May 1, 2024. Thanks to his long experience in aircraft workshops and hangars, he was made aware of the many potential dangers existing in these places. There is no doubt that he will be able to put this experience to good use in order to continue the actions already undertaken aimed at making QAM activities safe. Indeed, since its creation, the organization has implemented preventive measures in health and safety at work including, in particular, training offered to its members and in compliance with the requirements of the CNESST as well as relevant laws and regulations.



Presentation of the CF-100 Trailer Project by ÉTS Students

April 18th, 2024

This Wednesday, April 17, 2024, the final presentation of the end-of-studies project (PFE) of the five ÉTS students took place, which consisted of designing a new trailer for storing and moving the fuselage of our Avro CF-100 Canuck #100760. What was proposed meets all the requirements that had been established by the MAQ in the specifications. In addition, the students also wrote a manufacturing manual, a user manual, a collection of calculations carried out, a daily inspection sheet as well as an illustrated parts catalog (IPC). Throughout the process, they worked closely with our project coordinator and demonstrated rigor and great professionalism in all their efforts. We congratulate them, therefore, for their excellent work and we wish them all the success they deserve in their future engineering careers. We would also like to thank the ÉTS professors who supervised and supported this STEM project.

Pictures - More information.

Link: ÉTS-École de technologie supérieure.



The QAM Was Present at the General Assembly of Aviateurs.Québec

April 12th, 2024

On Saturday, March 6, 2024, four members of the QAM were present to represent the organization during the General Assembly of Aviateurs.Québec, which took place at the École nationale d'aérotechnique. For the occasion, we took out the fuselage of our Mortensen 1PM C-GUOW glider, the restoration of which the members of Aviateurs.Québec are closely following. We wanted to highlight by our participation the excellent collaboration between the two organizations.


Link: Aviateurs.Québec.



Helicraft and Pascan Continue to Support the QAM by Offering Flights to Members!

April 3rd, 2024

Helicraft and Pascan Aviation each offered new flights which will be drawn randomly among members who will join or renew their membership between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025. QAM officials would like to warmly thank these two established companies at the Saint-Hubert airport for their support of the museum activities.

More information.

To become a member or renew your membership.

Links: Helicraft - Pascan Aviation.



Mission Completed!

29 février 2024

Mission completed for the students of the ÉNA “Avionics” group working on QAM projects! Indeed, they completed within the allotted time the reassembly of three instrument and radio panels forming part of the dashboard to be installed on board a Cessna 310 fuselage at the children's museum “Le P'tit Monde des Grands” in Granby. The students had at their disposal a whole disparate series of old instruments as well as old avionics to carry out this project. In three sessions of approximately two hours each, they placed them according to what was available in the locations provided in the different panels. Even though no logic in the placement of instruments and radios was required, they still tried as much as possible to respect the usual layout of an airplane dashboard. In the photo, we can note the students surrounding Gabriel Dufresne, initiator of the “Le P'tit Monde des Grands” museum, at the time of the delivery of the three elements of the Cessna 310 dashboard yesterday.


Links: Le P'tit Monde des Grands (site) - Le P'tit Monde des Grands (Facebook) - ÉNA.



Student Activities for the “Le P'tit Monde des Grands”

February 15th, 2024

Following a request addressed to ÉNA by the children's museum “Le P'tit Monde des Grands” to reconstruct a Cessna 310 dashboard, the “Avionics” student group working on QAM projects was put to use yesterday. The students sorted through the old instruments and radios that were given to them and began to install the most interesting of them on the three elements constituting the plane's dashboard. With the museum due to open its doors very soon in Granby, all available resources will be devoted to this collaborative project during the next two student activity sessions at ÉNA so that it will be completed on time according to the wishes of the leaders of the P'tit Monde des Grands.


Links: Le P'tit Monde des Grands (website) - Le P'tit Monde des Grands (Facebook) - ÉNA.



Resumption of QAM Student Activities at ÉNA

February 7th, 2024

Student activities at the Québec Aerospace Museum have resumed Today at the École nationale d'aérotechnique. These focused on the MMG-1A Mobile Electrical Power Plant which served, in particular, on U.S. Navy aircraft carriers. While two students prepared a test box of their design for the relays, others dismantled structural elements to facilitate access to the AC-DC conversion circuits. These activities are expected to continue until the end of the session in May. Please note that this project to restore the MMG-1A to operational condition is possible thanks to the financial support of Bell Textron Canada.

More information.




Gilbert McCauley is Back to the QAM Board of Directors

February 5th, 2024

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) on January 31st, 2024, elected a new member to sit on its Board of Directors. Mr. Gilbert McCauley, Lieutenant-Colonel (Retired), MSM, CD, former Commanding Officer of the 438 Wildcats Tactical Helicopter Squadron (438 ETAH) in St-Hubert from 2014 to 2016, now holds the position of Vice-President. A founding member and first past President of the QAM, he is delighted to return to the Board of Directors and is replacing Suzanne Benoit who recently retired for personal reasons.

Read more (PDF, 2 pages 234 Kb).



A New End-of-studies Project For a Group of ÉTS Students

January 20th, 2024

The QAM proposed a new end-of-study project at ÉTS and a group of five students from the mechanical engineering program showed interest in carrying it out. The challenge is to design a trailer suitable for storing and transporting the fuselage of the Museum's Avro CF-100 #100760. In fact, the current trailer has reached the end of its life and can no longer be moved safely. Yesterday, for the first stage of the project, the students came to take measurements on the fuselage of the plane at the Saint-Hubert military base where it is stored in the care of the 438th Tactical Helicopter Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force. This is the third end-of-studies project carried out by ÉTS students for the benefit of the QAM, thus demonstrating the excellent collaboration between the two institutions.


Link: ÉTS-École de technologie supérieure.



Suzanne Benoit and Jérémie Lepage Join the QAM Board of Directors

December12th, 2023

The Extraordinary General Assembly of members of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) on November 4, 2023 elected two new directors to sit on the organization’s Board of Directors. These are Ms. Suzanne Benoit and Mr. Jérémie Lepage who respectively occupy the positions of administrator for promoting the place of women in the aerospace industry and administrator representing the next generation.

Read more (PDF 240 Kb).



ÉTS Becomes a “Platinum” Corporate Member of the QAM

6 novembre 2023

The École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS) has become the second “Platinum” corporate member of the Québec Aerospace Museum. This membership is completely in line with one of the QAM's objectives aimed at directly integrating the educational environment into the museum's projects. Note that on two occasions already, end-of-study projects had been proposed by the QAM to groups of Mechanical Engineering students from ÉTS. This membership should therefore make it possible to perpetuate this collaboration between the two organizations.

Link: ÉTS-École de technologie supérieure.



The Second Aerospace Heritage Day Was a Success

October 7th, 2023

No less than 836 visitors were counted last Sunday, October 1st, 2023, during the second edition of the Saint-Hubert/Longueuil Aerospace Heritage Day jointly organized by the Québec Aerospace Museum and the City of Longueuil at the Saint-Hubert airport. During its visit to the facilities of the École nationale d'aérotechnique, which was host and partner of the event, the public was able to discover several facets of the world of aerospace both at kiosks located in the agora of the school, and outside, where a static display of aircraft and airport snow removal vehicles had been organized. The very good weather was certainly a contributing factor to the success of this event. The organizers would like to warmly thank all the partners and sponsors who collaborated in the organization of this Aerospace Heritage Day as well as Chrono Aviation, Helicraft and YHU-Aéroport Montréal Saint-Hubert for exhibiting aircraft or vehicles. You can see all the pictures taken during this event by clicking on the link below:

All the pictures of the 2023 Saint-Hubert/Longueuil Aerospace Heritage Day.

Event webpage.

Organizers: Québec Aerospace Museum - City of Longueuil.

Partners: École nationale d'aérotechnique - Fondation Aérovision Québec - Montreal Aviation Museum - Société historique et culturelle du Marigot.

Sponsors: Airbus - CAHS - Helicraft - Héroux-Devtek - HUB FBO - YHU-Aéroport Montréal Saint-Hubert.



An Airbus A220 and a Boeing 737-200 Will Be on Display During the Aerospace Heritage Day Tomorrow

September 30th, 2023

Pierre GILLARD: Chrono Aviation &emdash; 2020-804035

At the École nationale d'aérotechnique, in addition to two Robinson helicopters presented by Helicraft and several ÉNA planes, including the Airbus A220-100 FTV3, it will be possible to admire a Boeing 737-200 from Chrono Aviation This Sunday. Although old, it is the only jet in its category that can operate from gravel runways thanks to what is called a "gravel kit". On the QAM side, it will be the Mortensen 1PM glider currently being restored which will be presented to the public for the first time.

2023 Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil.



A Royal Canadian Air Force Bell CH-146 Griffon Will be Displayed to the Public During the Aerospace Heritage Day This Sunday

September 29th, 2023

The 438th Tactical Helicopter Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force will present one of its Bell CH-146 Griffon aircraft to the public this Sunday at the École nationale d'aérotechnique where the second Saint-Hubert/Longueuil Aerospace Heritage Day will take place. Military instructors will be present and will answer all visitors' questions about this helicopter derived from the civilian Bell 412 built in Mirabel.

2023 Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil.



Two Vehicles Intended for Snow Removal From Runways Will Be Presented on the Occasion of the Aerospace Heritage Day this Sunday

September 28th, 2023

The maintenance of an airport like Montreal Saint-Hubert (YHU) requires the use of suitable vehicles, particularly in winter for snow removal. Thus, for the first time, the public will be able to admire the new Schmidt TJS-C-630 snow plow recently acquired by the airport authority. This impressive "monster" will be accompanied by an abrasive spreading truck. Fortunately, you will not see them in action this Sunday, because the weather promises to be excellent!

More information about the Schmidt TJS-C630 snowblower.

2023 Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil.



Two Very Interesting Conferences Are on the Program for the Aerospace Heritage Day This Sunday

September 27th, 2023

Two conferences are scheduled during the Saint-Hubert/Longueuil Aerospace Heritage Day organized by the QAM and the City of Longueuil at the École nationale d’aérotechnique. The first-one, that is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., is entitled "The rise of aeronautics in Greater Longueuil". It will be presented by Jacques G. Ruelland, Vice-President of the Société historique et culturelle du Marigot. As for the second-one, "Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is coming soon to Quebec", it will be hosted from 2:30 p.m. by Neila El Asli (PhD), Project Manager on advanced air mobility of the SDG Innovation Network at the École de techn ologie supérieure (ÉTS). Neila will talk in particular about eVTOLs and a network of vertiports to be implemented in the province. In short, two very interesting subjects not to be missed!

More information about the conferences.

2023 Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil.



A Lot of Interest in the QAM's eVTOL Flyer at the Aero Expo

September 25th, 2023

This weekend took place at the Saint-Hubert airport the Aero Expo, which could be described as a combination of a family day, an open house, a funfair and a jobfair. This free event was organized by the Chrono Group and it was a complete success with 8,000 visitors present over the two days. For the QAM, it was the opportunity to present its Kitty Hawk eVTOL as a Canadian premiere. And we can say that its futuristic aspect interested a good part of the public present, from the youngest to the oldest.

All the pictures of the QAM’s presence at the Aero Expo.

All pictures of the Kitty Hawk Flyer.

More information about the Kitty Hawk Flyer.

Links: Chrono Aviation - Lux FBO - WAAS.



The QAM's Kitty Hawk Flyer eVTOL Will Be Displayed as a Canadian Premiere During the Aero Expo Organized by the Chrono Group

September 21st, 2023

The Québec Aerospace Museum will present its Kitty Hawk Flyer eVTOL as a Canadian premiere this weekend during the Aero Expo event organized at the Saint-Hubert airport by the Chrono Group. This unique aircraft in Canada arrived in Saint-Hubert from California in July 2021. Since then, it has never been taken out of its transport crate until today. Note that the Kitty Hawk company was founded by Larry Page, co-founder of Google.

All pictures of the Kitty Hawk Flyer.

More information about the Kitty Hawk Flyer.

More information about Aero Expo.



It will be possible to win a helicopter piloting lesson at the Saint-Hubert/Longueuil Aerospace Heritage Day!

September 16, 2023

Thanks to the participation of Helicraft, it will be possible for visitors to the Saint-Hubert/Longueuil Aerospace Heritage Day to win a first flying lesson on a Robinson R22 helicopter. Please note that Helicraft will exhibit two helicopters from its fleet during this event which will take place on Sunday October 1st. You can find more information about this by clicking on the link below:

2023 Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil.

Link: Helicraft.



Resumption of Activities With the “Avionics” Student Group of the École nationale d’aérotechnique

September 14th, 2023

With the return to class at the École nationale d’aérotechnique, the activities of the student group "Avionics" have also resumed. This session, around ten students were recruited and this is how three projects can be carried out simultaneously over the coming months. Two of these concern electrical ground power units (GPUs), the AFSG-1 and MMG-1A, on which work had already been carried out in previous sessions. The third project is new, since it involves checking the operation and condition of the electrical circuits as well as the avionics of the school's Cessna 170B C-FNNY.

Information about GPU projects.

To support QAM STIM projects.

Pictures: GPU AFSG-1 - GPU MMG-1A - Cessna 170B C-FNNY.

Link: ÉNA.



Last Straight Line in Preparation for the Second Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil

September 2nd, 2023

The excitement is beginning to be felt at the Québec Aerospace Museum and the City of Longueuil as the second Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil approaches, which will take place next October 1st at the École nationale d'aérotechnique. Led by Paul-Anthony Ashby (QAM) and Stéphanie Briaud (City of Longueuil), a small team of volunteers and partners are working hard to make this event intended for the general public a success. You can find more information about it by clicking on the link below:

2023 Aerospace Heritage Day of Saint-Hubert/Longueuil.



First Official Meeting for the Creation of a Museum in Saint-Hubert

July 21st, 2023

Today took place in Longueuil the first official preparatory work meeting between the Fondation Aérovision Québec, the Québec Aerospace Museum and the City of Longueuil regarding the creation of a museum dedicated to aerospace. In attendance, in the photo from left to right: Hany Moustapha (President of the QAM), Pierre Gillard (General Manager of the QAM), Geneviève Héon (City Councillor) and Marc Tremblay (President of the FAQ).



Hany Moustapha Elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the QAM

July 9th, 2023

During the General Assembly of members of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) held on Saturday July 8, 2023, Mr. Hany Moustapha was elected President of the QAM. He succeeds Mr. Pierre Gillard who held this position ad interim since last year.

Read more (PDF 2 pages, 240 Kb).



CAE Joins the Québec Aerospace Museum as the Institution’s First "Platinum" Corporate Member

July 2nd, 2023

CAE Inc., the world leader in simulation, has joined the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) as a corporate member.

Read more (PDF 3 pages, 209 Kb).

More information about the simulator.


Link: CAE Inc.



Day 1 of the Mortensen Glider Restoration!

June 12th, 2023

On Saturday June 10, 2023, the first restoration work on the Mortensen 1PM C-GUOW glider took place at the École nationale d'aérotechnique's facilities at Saint-Hubert airport. These essentially consisted of cleaning the fuselage and a first inspection of the aircraft, in particular the flight controls.

More information about Mortensen C-GUOW glider.

Pictures of Mortensen C-GUOW glider.

Link: ÉNA.



New Article: "The Hangar Flight Museum"

June 11th, 2023

Last March, three members of the Quebec Aerospace Museum visited the Hangar Flight Museum located at the Calgary airport. Here is a detailed article of 16 pages presenting this very beautiful museum:

Original article (PDF 16 pages, 25,2 Mb).

All pictures of The Hangar Flight Museum.

Link: The Hangar Flight Museum.



The Mortensen C-GUOW Glider is Now at Saint-Hubert

May 21st, 2023

On Saturday May 6, 2023 and May 20, 2023, the wing components and fuselage of the Québec Aerospace Museum's Mortensen 1PM glider were transported from Vaudreuil-Dorion to Saint-Hubert airport where it is now safely stored in a shipping container. This operation was carried out under the supervision of our member Stéphane Drolet, coordinator of the Mortensen project, and with the kind collaboration of the École nationale d'aérotechnique.

More information about Mortensen C-GUOW glider.

Pictures of Mortensen C-GUOW glider.

Link: ÉNA.



The Mortensen C-GUOW Glider is Officially Registered in the Name of QAM

January 23rd, 2023

The Mortensen 1PM C-GUOW glider was officially registered Today in the name of the Musée de l'aérospatiale du Québec. This glider is unique in the world and should be transported to Saint-Hubert airport as soon as weather conditions permit.

More information about Mortensen C-GUOW glider.

Pictures of Mortensen C-GUOW glider.



Bell Textron Canada Supports a QAM Educational Activity at the ÉNA

October 3rd, 2022

A few days ago, a group of student volunteers from the École Nationale d'Aérotechnique (ÉNA) set about restoring a Navair mobile electrical power plant MMG-1A recently donated to the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM). Bell Textron Canada, the helicopter manufacturer based in Mirabel, will now contribute to the financial support of the project. This should make it possible to acquire all the components necessary for the reconditioning of the MMG-1A.

Read more (PDF 2 pages, 239 Ko).

More information about the MEPP MMG-1A.


Links : Bell Textron Canada - ÉNA.



Pierre Gillard elected Chairman ad interim of Québec Aerospace Museum’s Board of Directors

August 24th, 2022

The special General Assembly of members of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) held on August 21st, 2022 elected Mr. Pierre Gillard as Chairman of its Board of Directors. He thus succeeds Mr. Kym Abel, who recently resigned, and occupies this position temporarily, the time to find a new candidate to fill the function.

Read more (PDF 1 page, 234 Kb).



QAM receives a 1958 CAE "Twin Engine" Flight Simulator

June 29th, 2022

On May 4, 2022, the QAM Board of Directors validated the acquisition of a flight simulator belonging to Mr. André Bourassa. This simulator was produced in 1958 by CAE Inc. in 12 copies for the Royal Canadian Air Force and intended for training in the procedures of the crews of twin-engine aircraft, mainly the Douglas C-47 Skytrain/Dakota and the Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar.

More information.

Link : CAE.



40 years ago, CF-100 #100760 flew for the last time

June 28 th, 2022

On June 28, 1982, the Avro CF-100 Canuck Mk. 5D #100760 made her final flight at Saint-Hubert in the hands of pilot George Greff and flight test engineer Dan Ketelson. Here is a press clipping (in French) from the time reporting the event:

"Le dernier vol du CF-100" (PDF 262 Ko)



The QAM is looking for volunteers to fill key positions!

June 8th, 2022

Activities of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) should develop over the coming months with the end of the majority of restrictions related to the COVID pandemic. In order to be able to bring our projects to fruition, we are looking for enthusiastic and passionate volunteers to join our management team. This is how functions are to be filled in terms of communication, organization of events, management of archives and documentation, simulation, training as well as management of collections and heritage. If you would be willing to devote some of your time to the QAM, either for the functions mentioned or for others, feel free to contact us.



The Corporate Brochure 2022 is released

March 24th, 2022

Integral Version (31 Mb).

Light Version (4,5 Mb).



Kym Abel elected Chairman of Québec Aerospace Museum’s Board of Directors

March 1st, 2022

The special General Assembly of members of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) held on February 19, 2022 elected Mr. Kym Abel as Chairman of its Board of Directors.

Read more (PDF 2 pages, 239 Ko).



The QAM will participate in the "Vitrines 2022" event organized by Aéro Montréal

February 24th, 2022

Link to the event page (Aéro Montréal).



The Edelweiss C-GIWY is officially registered in the name of QAM

October 18th, 2021

Although the request for a change of registration was submitted to Transport Canada on July 21st, it is today that the Kenneth J. Taylor (Roland Duruble) RD02A Edelweiss C-GIWY was officially registered in the name of the Québec Aerospace Museum. If you recall, this world-unique amateur-built aircraft was donated to the QAM by its previous owner last summer. It has since been stored free of charge at Chrono Aviation at Saint-Hubert airport.

Pictures of Edelweiss C-GIWY.



Béatrice Perier Agostini Becomes Administrator of the QAM

October 9th, 2021

The Québec Aerospace Museum's Board of Directors was enlarged with the appointment on September 15 of Ms. Béatrice Perier Agostini as administrator for the promotion of the place of women in the aerospace industry.

Read more (PDF 235 Kb).



An exhibition about the work of Claude Trudel at the ÉNA

September 18th, 2021

Claude Trudel (1953-2021), a citizen of Longueuil, had a definite artistic gift. Passionate about aviation and the conquest of space, he produced numerous scale models and dioramas over his lifetime representing his interests in spaceships as well as German planes of the Second World War, especially prototypes.

Read more (PDF 2 pages, 233 Kb).

Pictures of the exhibition at the ÉNA.

Article "Claude Trudel - Citizen of Longueuil (1953-2021) (PDF 3 pages, 3,0 Mb)



Dual acquisition !

August 3rd, 2021

In recent weeks, MAQ has been offered two exceptional aircraft: the amateur-built Roland Duruble RD02A Edelweiss airplane, which is the only such aircraft to have been in flight condition in the world, as well as an eVTOL Kitty Hawk Flyer, a high-tech aircraft.

RD02A Edelweiss (French only)


Kitty Hawk Flyer (French only)




The CRJ is 30 years old

May 10th, 2021

It was on May 10, 1991 at 9.45 a.m. that the first 50-seat Canadair Regional Jet (CRJ) took off from Montreal's Dorval Airport four days after the official roolout before 1,800 employees and guests. The 1 hour 25 minutes flight ended at Cartierville Airport.

The CRJ is 30 years old (PDF 2 pages, 0,75 Mo).



A showcase at ÉNA

Febriary 15th, 2021

The École nationale d'aérotechnique offered QAM to host a showcase located in a busy hallway of the school(when there is no COVID!). Now the QAM takes care of its animation.

A showcase at ÉNA (French only) (PDF 7 pages, 1,05 Mo).

Pictures of the exhibition at ÉNA.



QAM publishes a corporate brochure

February 27th, 2021

A corporate brochure presenting the objectives, achievements and projects of the Québec Aerospace Museum was produced.

Web Version (PDF 12 pages, 3,4 Mo).



QAM becomes member of CAPA

January 10th, 2021

QAM management is pleased to join Canada’s nation aviation museum organization as it moves forward with its development plans.

Read more (PDF 1 page, 0,2 Mb).

All articles.



Landing Gear for the CF-100 Restoration

January 10th, 2021

Despite the restrictions imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Musée de l’Aérospatiale du Québec (MAQ) achived a major milestone on December 5 when it acquired a set of landing gear for its Avro CF-100 Canuck jet fighter.

Read more (PDF 1 page, 0,8 Mb).

All articles.



Personalities: William Levacher, from ÉNA to Buffalo Airways

August 9th, 2020

How does one become a bush pilot in the Northwest Territories after studying avionics at ÉNA? William tells us about the great opportunities he had in his young career.

Read more (PDF 1 page, 1,4 Mb).

All articles.



70th Anniversary of the Canadair Sabre 1 First Flight

August 7th, 2020

It was on August 9, 1950, that the first single-engine Canadair Sabre 1 jet fighter made its first flight.

Read more (PDF 1 page, 0,16 Mo).

All articles.



R-100 at Saint-Hubert Airport, It's the 90th Anniversary

August 6th, 2020

It was on August 1, 1930, that the British airship R-100 docked at Saint-Hubert airport after its epic 78 hour trans-Atlantic fligh which covered 3,300 mi (5,300 km) at an average ground speed of 42 mph (68 km/h).

Read more (PDF 1 page, 0,16 Mo).

All Articles.



Buffalo Airways Curtiss C-46 Commando - Indispensable freighter planes to supply remote communities in the Northwest Territories

July 20th 2020

Buffalo Airways World War II era airplanes still prove to be the most suitable for transporting equipment and supplies on small unpaved runways in Canada's Northwest Territories. Read Pierre Gillard's article :

Original article (PDF 12 pages, 15,9 Mb).

Pictures of Buffalo Airways.

Site Internet : Buffalo Airways.

All articles.



Dr. Marc Donato is appointed as QAM Vice-President

May 6th, 2020

The Extraordinary General Assembly of May 6, 2020 of members of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) appointed Dr. Marc Donato as Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Read more (PDF 234 Ko).



Québec Aerospace Museum organizes “Canada in Space” Program for youth from La Maison de Jonathan

February 28th, 2020

Today the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) in association with the Canadian Space Agency hosted its first workshop on “Canada’s Role in Space” for youth affiliates with the La Maison de Jonathan community services agency in Longueuil, Quebec.

Read more (PDF 232 Ko).

Pictures of the activity.

Internet Websites : Canadian Space Agency - La Maison de Jonathan.



Come and meet author Marc-André Valiquette at the QAM booth during ÉNA's open day

February 5th, 2020

The Quebec Aerospace Museum (QAM) will be at ÉNA this Sunday, February 16th, 2020.

More d'information.



Quebec Aerospace Museum Develops Educational Partnerships

December 16th, 2019

The Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM/MAQ) is developing educational partnerships with schools in the Greater Montreal area.

Read more (PDF 239 Kb).



QAM Was at ÉNA Open House

November 17th, 2019

This Sunday, four volunteers hosted the booth of the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) during the Open House held at the École nationale d'aérotechnique (ÉNA) at Saint-Hubert Airport.

Read more (PDF 228 Kb).

Pictures of QAM's booth.

Website : École nationale d'aérotechnique.



The QAM and the City of Longueuil Organized the First Aerospace Heritage Day

September 28th, 2019

As part of the Journées de la culture, the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM), with the support of the City of Longueuil's Office of Culture, held its first Aerospace Heritage Day at Saint-Hubert airport on Saturday, September 28.

Read more (PDF 244 Kb).

Pictures of the Aerospace Heritage Day.

Website : City of Longueuil.



First Aerospace Heritage Day Organized by QAM and City of Longueuil

September 15th, 2019

On Saturday, September 28th, 2019, Quebec Aerospace Museum and City of Longueuil invite the general public to the first Aerospace Heritage Day to be held at Saint-Hubert Airport.

More information - Special page.

Website : City of Longueuil.



QAM Supports Chrono Aviation's Open House and Recruitment Days

September 6th and 7th, 2019

The Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) was one of the local aerospace organizations that supported the Chrono Aviation “Open House and Job Fair” at Saint-Hubert Airport on September 6th & 7th.

Read more (PDF 229 Kb).

Picture of QAM's booth.

Websites : Chrono Aviation - Lux FBO & Ground Services.



Montreal Aviation Museum and Québec Aerospace Museum Sign a Collaboration Agreement

August 24th, 2019

At the recent Family Day at the Montreal Aviation Museum (MAM) at Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, a collaborative agreement was signed with the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM), to strengthen the cooperation and joint heritage and educational activities of the two non-profit aviation organizations.

Read more (PDF 238 Kb).

Pictures of signature of agreement between MAM and QAM.



Evaluation of CF-100 # 100760 fuselage prior to restoration

August 5th, 2019

Before any museum undertakes the restoration of an historic airplane, it is standard practice to inspect the aircraft to know the extent of the work that will be required and establish a list of parts that are missing or need to be replaced.

Read more (PDF 237 Kb).

Pictures taken during QAM's CF-100 evaluation.



Québec Aerospace Museum was at the Aérosalon

June 1st & 2nd, 2019

On the first weekend of June, the Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) displayed the fuselage of Avro CF-100 Canuck Mk. 5D fighter jet (RCAF serial no. 100760) at the Aérosalon air show held at the Saint-Hubert Airport.

Read more (PDF 230 Kb).

Pictures of QAM presence at the Aérosalon.

Pictures taken at the Aérosalon.



MAQ and 438 Squadron welcome CAHS Members at ÉNA's

May 25th, 2019

Today, the Quebec Aerospace Museum (MAQ), the École nationale d'aérotechnique and the 438 Squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force welcomed about 45 members of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society (CAHS) to Saint-Hubert Airport.

Read more (PDF 239 Kb).

Pictures of CAHS visit CAHS at the ÉNA.

Websites : CAHS - ÉNA - 438 Squadron.



CF-100 #100760 has a place of honour on the YouTube "Plane Savers" video program :

May 24th, 2019

"Plane Savers" program on YouTube.



Québec Aerospace Museum organizes a helicopter orientation morning for youth from La Maison de Jonathan

March 1st, 2019

As part of its mission to support to the promote aerospace and support the local community, the Quebec Aerospace Museum recently organized its first helicopter orientation for ten young people from La Maison de Jonathan youth agency in collaboration with Helicraft and Héli-Inter, two local helicopter companies.

Read more (PDF 233 Kb).

Pictures of the helicopter activity.

Websites : La Maison de Jonathan - Helicraft - Héli-Inter.



Québec Aerospace Museum displays rare aviation artifacts from 1930 British R.100 airship visit to Saint-Hubert Airport and Canada

February 17th, 2019

A unique collector's item from the largest aviation event in Canada in the 1930s was recently displayed belonging the open house organized by the École nationale d’aérotechnique (ENA) at Saint-Hubert Airport.

Read more (PDF 235 Kb).

Pictures of QAM participation at ÉNA open house.

ÉNA's website.



First public appearance of the Avro CF-100 from Québec Aerospace Museum

November 11th, 2018

Today, the Avro CF-100 Canuck Mk 5 No. 100760 of the Québec Aerospace Museum was presented for the first time to the public at the airport of Saint-Hubert on the occasion of the open day at the École nationale d'aérotechnique, the largest aviation technical school in Canada.

Read more (PDF 271 Kb).

Pictures of QAM presence at ÉNA open house.

ÉNA's website.



CF-100 #100760 is Back Home at Saint-Hubert

November 5th, 2018

The arrival of the Avro CF-100 Canuck Mk. 5 fighter jet fuselage bearing the Royal Canadian Air Force identification number 100760 at the Saint-Hubert garrison on this day marks the completion of the transfer of the major components of the historic 60-year-old aircraft by road to Quebec that was began with the arrival of the first parts on Thursday, November 1, 2018.

Read more (PDF 242 Kb).

Pictures of CF-100 #100760 transfer.



Quebec Aerospace Museum Signs Agreement with the Canadian War Museum

November 2nd, 2018

Today, an agreement was signed between the newly-established Québec Aerospace Museum (QAM) of Saint-Hubert, QC, and the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa, ON, regarding the loan of an historic Avro CF-100 Canuck Mk. 5 fighter jet (serial No. 100760) of the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Read more (PDF 244 Kb).

Pictures of CF-100 #100760 as JT15D turbofan flying testbed.

Canadian War Museum's website.



Quebec Aerospace Museum Established

August 23rd, 2018

The Quebec Aerospace Museum has established today as a non-profit society at Saint-Hubert Airport with its head office at H-18 FBO hangar at the Montreal area airport. The founders of the Museum - Pierre Gillard, Gilbert McCauley and Éric Tremblay - have accumulated a rich variety of experience in the aviation and aerospace industry as well as the Royal Canadian Air Force over many years.

Read more (PDF 229 Kb).



Last update: 12-09-2024.

© Pierre GILLARD, Pierre MÉNARD, Kenneth I. SWARTZ & André ALLARD